
Showing posts from December, 2017

Bell Moore Group Inc. Review: The Old Village and the Modern Village

Many of today’s millennials, especially those living in large cities, do not have experience in rural living. They have probably spent a day or two visiting relatives in the old family village or town; but they have not really come to know the kind of life their parents or grandparents went through, other than from hearing stories and reading books. Perhaps, for the benefit of these young people and to remind the adults of where all other previous generations originated, let us go back to the old village for a moment. The first thing that often comes to mind is the homogeneity of the old village – meaning, there was no stark variety in house design. In Asian villages, it was all bamboo and palm-leaf roofing, in general. In other countries, wood and stone were used. But in general, there was no painting, no steel grills or concrete posts and no cement floors even. Also, all homes had trees and gardens around them and everyone took care of some kind of animals for their basic fo...