
Showing posts from 2017

Bell Moore Group Inc. Review: The Old Village and the Modern Village

Many of today’s millennials, especially those living in large cities, do not have experience in rural living. They have probably spent a day or two visiting relatives in the old family village or town; but they have not really come to know the kind of life their parents or grandparents went through, other than from hearing stories and reading books. Perhaps, for the benefit of these young people and to remind the adults of where all other previous generations originated, let us go back to the old village for a moment. The first thing that often comes to mind is the homogeneity of the old village – meaning, there was no stark variety in house design. In Asian villages, it was all bamboo and palm-leaf roofing, in general. In other countries, wood and stone were used. But in general, there was no painting, no steel grills or concrete posts and no cement floors even. Also, all homes had trees and gardens around them and everyone took care of some kind of animals for their basic fo...

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: How to ensure a good art for your home

It is often the case for many houses to put artworks on their interior design to add more meaning to each room. Giving more beauty to a space in your house is exciting, right? And when you choose to buy artworks for your design, you will surely grasp the importance of having art in your place. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants wants you to express yourself on your design as well by putting unique and special art that you like. Art can provide both energy and elegance according to some art professionals. You will often see on known interior design magazines the importance of including art in decorating a home or office spaces. The inclusion of art is usually recommended to bring out the positive feelings from each person entering a room with artworks. Consider buying local artworks if you’re currently searching for art pieces to put on the walls of your house. Local artists offer beautiful, quality and original art, and are typically inexpensive, so this is a win-win situation...

Phil Devin Real Estate: Values your trust more than anyone

Nowadays, Phil Devin Real Estate Consultants continues to be one of the most trusted real estate agencies in Australia. Continuous support from a lot of individuals is what made up its strong standing. Phil Devin, the person behind the success of this agency, makes sure to only provide a responsive, comprehensive and personalized service to clients. You won’t be disappointed once you choose him to handle your real estate venture. Phil values your trust more than anyone that’s why he is often preferred by individuals than other agents. He also shows respect on your decision and thoughts, and puts them into careful consideration. Seeking his professional help in buying or selling a real estate can surely help you reach success. He will guide you in making your decision and will provide significant information to help you make a decision you won’t ever regret. Phil Devin makes sure to do the things that needed to be done and will ensure everything is in their rightful place....

Art Consulting By Devin Fitzpatrick Interior Consultant

Devin is gepassioneerd over het ontwerpen van ruimten voor kunst en ook de integratie van kunst in bestaande ruimten. Van ingebruikneming unieke kunstwerken , kopen van lokale galerieën of aankoop van kleinhandelsWebsites, DFI kan helpen in elke kunst gerelateerde capaciteit en werken binnen een budget te kapelaan en artwork voor uw huis of commerciële ruimte. Met een graad in Art History en een certificaat in decoratieve en Fine Art beoordeling Studies aan de NYU heeft Devin een getrainde begrip van de waarde van kunst. Haar specifieke interesse is in de relatie tussen kunst en ruimte en ze onderzocht de betekenis van kleur, textuur, plaatsing, schaal en context van kunst in de ruimte in haar Tesi, "De interrelatie van Art en ruimte: een onderzoek laat de 19e en vroege twintigste eeuw Europese schilderkunst" die de Joel Polsky Achievement Award ontvangen de ASID Educational Foundation en is gekenmerkt in de IIDA Knowledge Center. Ze was een Graduate stage bij het National G...

Devin Fitzpatrick Interior: Art Consulting

Devin is passionate about designing spaces for art and also incorporating art into existing spaces.  From commissioning unique works of art, buying from local galleries or purchasing from retail websites, DFI can help in any art related capacity and work within any budget to curate and place artwork for your home or commercial space.  With a degree in Art History and a certificate in Decorative and Fine Art Appraisal Studies from NYU, Devin has a trained understanding of the value of art.  Her specific interest is in the relationship of art and space and she explored the significance of color, texture, placement, scale and context of art in space in her master’s thesis, "The Interrelationship of Art and Space: An Investigation Of Late 19th And Early Twentieth Century European Painting" which received the Joel Polsky Achievement Award from the ASID Educational Foundation and is featured in IIDA’s Knowledge Center.  She was appointed a Graduate Internship at the ...

More Spacious Beaches Created Along Seawall Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Texas

GALVESTON – Beachgoers arriving at the Galveston seawall this weekend will find a far more spacious beach to relax on following the pumping of more than 1 million cubic yards of sand along 3.5 miles of badly eroded beach. The $19.5 million effort to pump sand taken from a sand bar in the Houston Ship Channel ended March 27 as the last batch of sand slurry plopped onto the new beach near 61st Street, said Reuben Trevino, operations manager for the Galveston Park Board. " Come on down and enjoy the beach ," said Kelly de Schaun, executive director of the park board. Beachgoers will see the formerly narrow strip of beach extended to about 300 feet from the seawall. The beach is designed to gradually erode and form a slope until it stabilizes at about 150 feet, Trevino said. He said the process should take about two weeks. The project got underway more than two months ago after numerous delays but was completed well ahead of the May 13 deadline set by th...

Southbourne Positive Living Group: 8 Tips to Help Create a Positive Mental Attitude

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt For years I lived an uneventful existence. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t unhappy either. I was just sort of stuck. I had a good career, earned lots of money, and I had great friends and a loving family. You would think that this doesn’t sound too bad, but I felt unfulfilled and unmotivated. I repeatedly lived each day like the one before. I looked around me and saw that everybody within my own circle of friends, relatives, and immediate family were no different. They too seemed stuck. They seemed unmotivated—like they were living their lives on automatic pilot. I began to question why this was. Why do so many people just accept this pattern as normal, as if this is the way it is supposed to be? I read hundreds of books on philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. I continued with this for a couple of years until I gradually I began to see things with greater clarity. I began to wake up. T...

People encouraged to better secure online accounts following Yahoo breach by Online Security

Residents who use Yahoo Mail are being encouraged by the S.C. Department of Consumer Affairs to take action to secure their online accounts following the announcement last month of a massive breach. During the last two weeks of September , Yahoo announced that at least 500 million user accounts had been compromised. An investigation by Yahoo following suspicions of an attack in July uncovered a far larger, allegedly state-sponsored attack in recent weeks, according to the Associated Press. “We take these types of breaches very seriously and will determine how this occurred and who is responsible,” the FBI said in a statement last week. Given the importance most people place on protecting personal information, the Department of Consumer Affairs is encouraging Yahoo Mail users to take action by following several tips, said Megan Stockhausen, communications coordinator with the agency. • Change the account password and security questions immediately. Use strong, cr...

Careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: Soothe Your Winter Skin

It was a slow start to winter, but the cold weather has finally arrived with a vengeance. So watch out: That means dry and itchy skin is on its way, brought on by challenging conditions outdoors and in the home. “The humidity drops as it gets colder, which takes a toll on your skin,” explains Katy Burris, MD, a dermatologist with Northwell Health Physician Partners (formerly North Shore-LIJ Medical Group). “On top of that, artificial heat in our homes also tends to be drying, as well. When skin gets dry, it gets tiny micro-cracks and fissures -- which can become itchy due to inflammation.” But changing up your daily skincare routine, even just slightly, can help protect you against winter dryness. Follow these three steps all season long to help your outer layer stay soft, smooth and free from itching and irritation. 1. Keep your showers short. Bathing can strip away skin’s natural oils, so it’s important not to overdo it. “I recommend no more than one shower per ...

4 information security threats that will dominate 2017 By Security and Risk Online

Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated and collaborative with every coming year. To combat the threat in 2017, information security professionals must understand these four global security threats. As with previous years, 2016 saw no shortage of data breaches. Looking ahead to 2017, the Information Security Forum (ISF) , a global, independent information security body that focuses on cyber security and information risk management, forecasts businesses will face four key global security threats in 2017. "2016 certainly lived up to expectations," says Steve Durbin, managing director of the ISF. "We saw all sorts of breaches that just seemed to get bigger and bigger. We lurched from one to another. We always anticipate some level of it, but we never anticipate the full extent. I don't think anybody would have anticipated some of the stuff we've seen of late in terms of the Russians getting involved in the recent elections." The ISF s...